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Vows and Verses

The following pages include examples of traditional wedding vows, non traditional marriage vows, ideas for renewing wedding vows, wedding readings, marriage poems, love poetry, famous quotes, bible verses about love and marriage, marriage prayers, thank you verses, verses for birth certificates, christening ceremonies, and anniversary gift ideas. There are also many examples of wedding vows and wedding ceremony readings that incorporate different cultural traditions such as Indian wedding customs, Celtic blessings and Christian bible verses.

Choose a favorite wedding vow or poem for your Personalized Document or Certificate, or use them as a resource if you opt to write your own marriage vows. The free wedding vows and love poetry collection is one of the largest resources online for wedding vows and wedding ceremony readings.
In the name of God, I, <groom>, take you, <wife>, to be my wife,
to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better or worse, for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,
until we are parted by death.
This is my solemn vow.

In the name of God, I, <wife>, take you, <groom>, to be my husband,
to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better or worse, for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,
until we are parted by death.
This is my solemn vow.
I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and
with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you,
in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Our miracle lies in the path we have chosen together.
I enter into this marriage with you knowing that the
true magic of love is not to avoid changes, but
to navigate them successfully. Let us commit to
the miracle of making each day work together.

I offer you my love and my support throughout all of our lives.
I commit myself to years of growth and sharing as
I encourage you to move in new direction.
I will strive to achieve my potential as God's creature
and will celebrate your progress toward the same goal.
I give myself as I am and as I will be, and
I do it for all of life.

Respecting each other, we commit to live
our lives together for all the days to come.
I ask you to share this world with me, for good and ill.
Be my partner, and I will be yours.

May our days be long, and may they be
seasoned with love, understanding, and respect.

Now we stand together; may it always be so.
I offer myself to you today.
I will always love you, respect you and be faithful to you.

Come health, happiness, and prosperity, I will stand with you;
come illness, trouble, or poverty, I will stand with you.
Take this ring, as a sign of my love and commitment.

Today I join my life to yours as your friend, your lover,
and your confidant. Let me be the shoulder you lean on, the rock
on which you rest, the companion of your life.
With you I will walk my path from this day forward.

I came here today to join my life to yours before this company.
In their presence I pledge to be true to you, to respect you, and
to grow with you through the years. Time may pass, fortune may smile,
trials may come; no matter what we may encounter together,
I vow here that this love will be my only love.
I will make my home in your heart from this day forward.
Do you <groom>, take <wife> to be your wife? ("I do")
Do you promise to love, cherish and protect her, whether in
good fortune or in adversity, and to seek with her a life
hallowed by the faith of Israel? ("I do")

Do you <wife>, take <groom> to be your husband? ("I do")
Do you promise to love, cherish and protect him, whether in
good fortune or in adversity, and to seek with him a life
hallowed by the faith of Israel? ("I do")

<groom>, as you place this ring upon the finger of <wife>,
speak to her these vows:
"With this ring be thou consecrated unto me as my wife,
according to the law of God, and the faith of Israel."

<wife>, as you place this ring upon the finger of <groom>,
speak to him these vows:
"With this ring be thou consecrated unto me as my husband,
according to the law of God, and the faith of Israel."
I, <bride/groom>, take you, <bride/groom>, to be my wedded <husband/wife>;
and I promise and covenant, before God and these witnesses, to be
your loving and faithful <husband/wife>, in plenty and in want,
in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health,
as long as we both shall live.
I <bride/groom>, take thee <bride/groom>, to be my <husband/wife>.
To have and to hold, in sickness and in health,
for richer or for poorer, and
I promise my love to you forevermore
I <bride/groom>, take you <bride/groom>, to be my <husband/wife>.
To share the good times and hard times side by side.
I humbly give you my hand and my heart
as a sanctuary of warmth and peace,
and pledge my faith and love to you.
Just as this circle is without end, my love for you is eternal.
Just as it is made of incorruptible substance,
my commitment to you will never fail. With this ring, I thee wed.
Before our friends and those so special to us here,
on this wonderful day of gladness and good fortune,
I <bride/groom> take you <bride/groom> as my <husband/wife>,
in friendship and in love, in strength and weakness,
to share the good times and misfortune, in achievement and failure,
to celebrate life with you forevermore.
I have enjoyed the time we've spent talking about what
our different faiths mean to us. We have discovered much
that we share in common. It is my prayer that the candles
we have lit together today in unity will enlighten our path
to the future. I promise to honor your traditions as I honor you.
In the future, happy occasions will come as surely as the morning.
Difficult times will come as surely as the night.
When things go joyously, meditate according to the Buddhist tradition.
When things go badly, meditate.
Meditation in the manner of the Compassionate Buddha will guide your life.
To say the words 'love and compassion' is easy.
But to accept that love and compassion are built
upon patience and perseverance is not easy.
I love you. You are my best friend.
Today I give myself to you in marriage.
I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you,
and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle.
I promise to love you in good times and in bad,
when life seems easy and when it seems hard,
when our love is simple, and when it is an effort.
I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard
These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life.
We pledge to each other to be loving friends and partners in marriage.
To talk and to listen, to trust and appreciate one another; to respect
and cherish each other's uniqueness; and to support, comfort
and strengthen each other through life's joys and sorrows.
We promise to share hopes, thoughts and dreams
as we build our lives together.
May our lives be ever intertwined, our love keeping us together.
We will build a home that is compassionate to all, full of respect
and honor for others and each other.
May our home be forever filled with peace, happiness and love.
Today I will marry my friend,
the one I will live with, dream with and love.
I take you to be my husband/wife.
From this day forward I will cherish you,
I will look with joy down the path of our tomorrow's
knowing we will walk it together side by side,
hand in hand and heart to heart.
I promise to love you above all others and
to value your friendship as a precious gift.
I look forward to raising our family and building
our relationship under the care and guidance of God.
I promise to stand beside you in sickness or health,
in times of prosper and decline, in peace and in turmoil,
as long as we both shall live.
Let us be grateful for the capacity to see, feel, hear, and understand.
Let us be grateful for this incredible gift of life.
Let us be especially grateful for the ties of love which bind us together,
giving dignity, meaning, worth and joy to all our days.
This is indeed a day which the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice in it and be glad, and let us count our many blessings
I take you to be my partner.
To have and to hold from this day forward.
I give to you my unending love and devotion.
I promise to be true to you, to cherish you, and to share my thoughts,
hopes and dreams with you. I look forward to spending the rest of my life
with you, my best friend. I will love you forever.
I promise to love you above all others and
to value your friendship as a precious gift.
I look forward to raising our family and building
our relationship under the care and guidance of God.
I promise to stand beside you, in sickness or health,
in times of prosper and decline, in peace and in turmoil,
as long as we both shall live.
With these rings we unite our hearts in tenderness and devotion.
We will honor each others cultures as we
join customs to form a trusting relationship.
We will protect, support, and encourage each other
through life's joys and sorrows as we create a loving future.
We promise to establish a home for ourselves and
our children shaped by our respective heritage's;
a loving environment dedicated to peace, hope,
and respect for all people.
From this day forward our lives will be
intertwined forever, blessed in faith, filled with
compassion, understanding and love.
Before God our Father who has given us the gift of love,
I <bride/groom>, join with you, <bride/groom>, in the covenant of marriage.
I promise to give my faithful, life-giving love to you,
and to share my life with you as long as we shall live.
May this community of faith witness our love
for each other for the rest of our lives.
I take you to be my partner.
To have and to hold from this day forward.
I give to you my unending love and devotion.
I promise to be true to you, to cherish you, and to share
my thoughts, hopes, and dreams with you.
I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you
my best friend. I will love you forever.
In the sight of God's love and in the presence of our families and friends,
I name, take you, <bride/groom> to be may <husband/wife>.
I offer my friendship and trust in you,
promising to be faithful and understanding
as long as we both shall live.
In the presence of the Lord and of this assembly,
I take thee to be my husband/wife, promising
with Divine Assistance to be unto thee a
loving and faithful <husband/wife>
until death shall separate us.
I take you <bride/groom>, to be my <husband/wife>.
I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad,
in sickness and in health, I will love and honor
you all the days of my life.
I promise to be there when you need me,
to fill your days with sunshine,
to comfort you and encourage you,
to help you reach your goals,
to be your best friend ever and to
love you all my life with all my heart.
I, <bride/groom>, take you, <bride/groom>, to be my wedded <husband/wife>.
With deepest joy I receive you into my life that together we may be one.
I promise you my love, my fullest devotion, my tenderest care.
I pledge to you my life as a loving and faithful <husband/wife>.
I <bride/groom>, take you <bride/groom>,
to be my wedded <husband/wife>.
To have and to hold, from this day forward,
for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,
in sickness or in health, to love and to
cherish 'til death do us part.
And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.
I love you. Today is a very special day.
Long ago you were just a dream and a prayer.
Thank you for being what you are to me.
With our future as bright as the promises of God,
I will care for you, honor and protect you.
I lay down my life for you my friend and my love.
I love you and I know that this love is from God.
Through all of the uncertainties and trials of the present and future,
I promise to be faithful to you and love you.
I promise to guide and protect you as Christ does his church,
as long as we both shall live.
I give you this ring, wear it with love and joy.
I choose you to be my partner,
to have and to hold from this day forward
for better or for worse, for richer for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish
as long as we both shall live.
I, <bride/groom>, take you <bride/groom>,
to be my wedded <husband/wife>,
to have and to hold, from this day forward,
for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,
'til death do us part, or the Lord comes for His own,
and hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.
I will be a strong spiritual leader for us in our life,
for better, for worse, in sickness and in health,
in joys and in sorrows, until death do we part.
I give you all that I have myself and my love.
All these things I pledge to thee in
the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
With this ring I seal my vow of love to you and
pray I may fulfill God's place in our home,
in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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